Monday, July 25, 2011

Python Module Not Found

Ways to debug when a python code can't find a module:

Open a terminal and start python. Enter:

from imp import *

See if the path name corresponds with where your module was supposed to be installed or if the path name directs to a file

For Example, we were trying to install pyfacebook and our code won't load the module.

find_module(module) was resulting in the following output:
(<open file '', mode 'U' at 0xb752d4f0>, '', ('.py', 'U', 1))

However, the module was installed at (found using a find command):

Clearly, when the code was calling from facebook import *, the code was unable to locate file and was crashing. To solve the problem, move the files to /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ and see if a further run of find_module points to the required directory.

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